
Friday, March 26, 2010

Balancing Personal Growth with My Daily Obligations

I am still trying to figure this one out. First, what do you do in order to ensure that you are paying close attention to your own personal growth? Nobody wants to be stuck in a rut. We want to know we are going somewhere that we want to go and not just anywhere the wind blows us.

The only way that I can see myself balancing personal growth with my daily obligations is to always be writing things down. And then getting up! When I have an idea or something I appreciate, I take note of it. I grab my iPhone and write myself a Note. I stop and tweet about it. I put it on my calendar. I record it in a journal. I scribble on a piece of paper and file it in a folder or even just throw it in a pile (that I intend on sorting through on a regular basis, of course!) If it can be done right now, then I do it as soon as I think of it.

I try to take time to read a book. Sometimes this means marrying your reading to one of your obligations. For example, when the girls had dance class, I would make a point to have my mom watch the other one for just 90 minutes so that I could take that time to sit in the library or in the drivers seat of my car to read about something that I thought was important.

Take time to listen to yourself and listen to other people. Try to find ways to simplify your life when you become aware of what you spend most of your time communicating about. Think positive and talk positive to yourself and to other people. Your mindset will help you to stay active during the day and sleep with ease knowing that you did the best that you could and that you enjoyed it. To an optimistic person, when you have bad thoughts, you take the opportunity to learn and about yourself and visualize how you might take the next opportunity to apply what you have learned from your past in a positive way. Each new day is a new adventure in the journey towards finding yourself and finding balance in your life, making the most out of your challenges, opening to change, and stretching your abilities.

1 comment:

  1. That is so inspiring ~ in almost every bio I have written I state my plight in gaining " the balance." I struggle with it in every moment b/c "FUN TIMES" come along & I leave good habits behind. Or a tree catches my attention & I pull over to take the picture. I think that is balance though. tee hee

    I think that is why my weight suffers & YES I AM putting balance into my health. It feels good and in each new good choice, the next is easier. I agree with the negative happening to you or by your very own mind creation IS the time to look & adjust.

    Jess & I have done this for each other and will always continue b/c the path may get muddy for you & I am familiar with that path to lead you AND visa versa.


    ~Jess always is reminding me to write my thoughts down
